Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My little man!

Davin turned three on July 6th 2009, wow that three years has flown by I remeber so clearly when he was a baby. I have come to the conclusion that once you become a parent that the fast foward button must get hit. I love being a mom and if I may say myself without sounded too full of myself am pretty good at being a mom. I must have been taught well.
Davin as you can see isn't afraid of getting his picture taken. Infact he loves it and Tish at Unforgetable Images works so well with him. I put both these collages up even though they are the same pictures because I love both so much. Anyways Davin has been such a blessing to me. I love watching him learn and grow. He is so smart also, at the primary temple trip he was answering all the question. I just love watching him grow. I am going to have to be a great example because he is so smart and doesn't miss anything. My mom's friend thinks he is a future Bishop. Wow the pressure is on!
I choose the name Davin because it means, beloved, smart . His middle name Lavon is after my great grandpa and according to my mom was the sweetest man alive .
"My labor with Davin was at first fast I thought I was going to have him at my house. At this time I was living in Colorado Springs and I was stationed at Fort Carson. I went to the hospital three times I new I was in labor and by the third time they sent me home with "ambien" so that I could get some sleep. Sleep I did not get it made me hallucinate and didn't help me rest. The ambulance came to get me because I could feel Davins head. As soon as I got to the hospital my NCO was there to coach me through keeping my mom, who was too sick to make it, posted. Sgt Stevenson helped calm me down and she stayed the entire time. Once I got my epaderell my labor stopped and I slept. Finnally around 8:00 p.m they woke my up to push and the only request that I had was if they could turn on "So You Think You Can Dance" and at 8:35 Davin enetered the world."

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